

What would the present be without such a rich HISTORY?

[/vc_wp_text][icon_timeline][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Leadership Evenings (2013-2016)”]
It was a series of meetings between Romanian leaders from every field and groups of students that were held in university amphitheaters. A session had a single guest and a duration of two hours. We’ve held 15 Leadership Evenings in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Brașov and the most successful ones had as guest the entrepreneur Iulian Stanciu from eMAG, the football champion Emeric Jenei, the rally driver Marco Tempestini and actor Andi Vasluianu.
[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”2013″][icon_timeline_item time_title=”LEADERS Academy (2009-2016)”]
The program was created especially for the new wave of Romanian managers and entrepreneurs. During the program’s 5 days we had experimental leadership activities that were unique in Romania, as well as meetings with leaders from the business, art, sport and civil society environments. The participants were observed and they received feedback throughout the program from a coach and a facilitator. Afterwards we had practical action plans, follow-up sessions and networking meetings.

There were a total of 9 editions and 180 graduates.
[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”LEADERS Education (2009-2016)”]LEADERS Education was held in most university centers and grouped together students of a certain university. The program was created around 4 key themes that have a contribution on the development of a leadership behavior type (insight, communication, team and time management). These ideas were taught through training sessions and leaders from the Romanian society that were invited every session as role-models.

There have been over 40 programs around the country that brought together over 5.000 graduates.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Authentic Leadership (2009-2016)”]We provided high-school students access to complementary content to the formal education system, career guidance options, volunteering and community involvement as well as the access to a community of young leaders. We are glad to have had over 5.000 beneficiaries.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Feminine leadership (2009)”][/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”2009″][icon_timeline_item time_title=”LEADERS School (2008-2016)”]It was a unique leadership school dedicated to young Romanians aged between 18 and 25 years and it was based on three key concepts: personal leadership, communication and teamwork. Each of these concepts was applied during leadership workshops and then debated amongst practitioners from the business, art, sport, social or military fields. In the last day of the program we challenged the participants to take part in a business simulation in which they had to lead their team to a successful result.

There have been 18 editions and we’re proud of our 450 graduates.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”2008″][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Global Leadership vs. Romanian Leadership (2007-2011)”]It was a leadership conference with Jim Bagnola, Leadership Guru and local leaders.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”The Competition of Social Enterprises (2007-2008)”]The 2007 edition of “Competiția Interprinderilor Sociale”, NESsT, LEADERS and ABN AMRO had as scope the development of social enterprises in Romania and was made possible through the generosity and special support of the ABN AMRO foundation as well as USAID.

In Romania the competition was implemented by the LEADERS Foundation in partnership with NESsT, our involvement being conceptual as well as logistic.

Out of the 36 organizations that participated in this competition, 9 reached the final stage and presented their business plans. The selection was done by NESsT specialists with the help of ABN AMRO volunteers. The first five organizations that presented their best plans for the development of a social business received the awards.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”2007″][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Brandactivity (2004-2008)”][/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Youth Career Initiative”]2004-2006[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Implica-te.ro”]A platform that connects volunteers with NGO projects in which they can take part, as well as CSR initiatives from other companies.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”2004″][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Entrepreneurs Club (2002-2005) (2015)”][/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”GYSD (2002-2006)”]Global Youth Service Day is the largest youth service and civic action event in the world and the only one that celebrates, expands, and sustains the capacity of all youth ages 5-25 and their communities to thrive by working together for the common good.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”2002″][icon_timeline_item time_title=”LEADERS Awards (2000-2007)”]The purpose of the LEADERS Awards was to identify, promote and support young leaders who want to make a difference in society, as well as to expand their initiatives in more locations and activity fields. The LEADERS Awards’ categories were: Best Manager, Best Entrepreneur, Best Public Servant and Best Volunteer.[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”LEADERS Forum (2000-2006)”][/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”2000″][/icon_timeline][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Alătura-te unei comunități de peste 8000 de abonați. În fiecare marți, îți punem noi în calendar: portrete-model, trenduri din era vitezei, recomandări de cărți și evenimente, vești din programele LEADERS.

Termenii și condițiile + Acord de prelucrare a datelor(Required)

Pentru noi este prioritar ca datele tale sa fie in maini sigure si toata experienta ta alaturi de LEADERS sa fie una excelenta.

Noi suntem Fundatia LEADERS cu datele de identificare CIF: 13136455, numar de inregistrare in Registrul Fundatiilor: 182F/2001, cu sediul social in Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr.90, apt. 8, Sector 1, Bucuresti.

Website-ul (www.leaders.ro) are scopul de a facilita inregistrarea si managementul aplicatiilor pentru selectia si accesul beneficiarilor in cadrul programelor Fundatiei Leaders si anume Leaders Explore, Leaders Experience si Leaders Challenge sau a unor initiative speciale pe care le desfasuram.

Datele tale colectate vor fi: nume, email, telefon, oras, studii, experienta profesionala si convingeri filozofice.

Aceste date vor fi stocate cu maxima responsabilitate de catre Fundatia Leaders si nu vor fi distribuite catre niciun tert, indiferent care este relatia acestora cu organizatia, fara acordul tau.

În cazul în care optezi pentru opțiunea de înscriere parțială sau completezi formularul parțial, îți vom trimite de la una pâna la 5 alerte de reminder pentru înscrierea în programul LEADERS pentru care optezi. Alertele de reminder vor consta în mesaje de tip SMS sau email.

Singurul scop in care vom utiliza datele tale personale sunt pentru analiza si selectia in cadrul programelor Fundatiei Leaders. In cazul in care nu vei fi acceptat in cadrul programului Leaders pentru care ai aplicat, datele tale vor ramane pe serverul nostru doar timp de 60 de zile de la data trimiterii refuzului. In cazul in care vei fi acceptat in cadrul programului Leaders pentru care ai aplicat, datele tale vor ramane pe serverul detinut de Fundatia Leaders, insa vei putea opta oricand sa le stergi. Vom folosi aceste date pentru a comunica cu tine despre desfasurarea programului sau oportunitati Leaders viitoare.

Prin inscrierea la un program al Fundatiei Leaders poti opta separat si pentru crearea unui cont de utilizator prin intermediul caruia sa iti editezi aplicatiile si sa ai acces la stadiul acestora (admis/ respins). Contul de utilizator va stoca informatii cu privire la nume, prenume, email, telefon, studii si oras. Tot printr-o bifa separata in formular poti opta pentru a te inregistra la Newsletterul Fundatiei Leaders. Inregistrarea la Newsletter este un proces cu dubla confirmare din partea beneficiarului, iar ulterior te poti dezabona oricand folosind link-ul prezent in toate e-mail-urile trimise catre tine de Fundatia Leaders sau trimitand un e-mail la adresa [email protected] cu subiectul Vreau sa sa dezabonez.

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