
[vc_row][vc_column alignment=”center”][mpc_image image=”7586″ image_size=”full” image_opacity=”100″ image_inner_border_gap=”0″ effect=”none” image_hover_opacity=”100″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mpc_textblock content_width=”100″ font_preset=”preset_2″ font_size=”18″]The leadership model that the LEADERS Foundation is proposing is a collaborative leadership model found at the junction of three major focus points:

  1. Purpose: we begin developing personal leadership through a self-knowledge process that starts from values, convictions, stances and continues with competencies and new visions about the future. Awareness allows you to work with others that have different fortes than yours, and proper asset coordination is a key aspect of collaborative leadership. That way, you can easily transfer the leading role and be aware from where and when you are needed. Finding your purpose is an important component of the leadership model promoted by LEADERS. We believe in authentic leadership manifested in any field regardless of the level of seniority. That is why we wish that the people we meet during our programs to discover their purpose and develop a behavior that enables them to achieve progress in their specific field.
  2. Collaboration: the framework shifts from leading others to leading WITH others. Therefore, collaboration gains a bigger importance in the leadership model that LEADERS wants to promote. We believe in taking up a role in the team that is consistent with purpose, with each individual’s fortes, the leadership that the LEADERS foundation wants to grow is dependent on the power of connection, dialogue, and empathy.
  1. Systemic thinking: A system is an entity that has interdependent parts; it is defined by its limits and it is more than the sum of its parts (subsystem). Understanding the world, the system, is a very important ability that we are inspiring unto young leaders. The systemic thinking that participants will find in the LEADERS programs entails the interdependence of economic, politic, and social factors, meaning that any action fulfilled by them, the same as the butterfly effect, will determine dynamic changes in other systems as well.


Alătura-te unei comunități de peste 8000 de abonați. În fiecare marți, îți punem noi în calendar: portrete-model, trenduri din era vitezei, recomandări de cărți și evenimente, vești din programele LEADERS.

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Pentru noi este prioritar ca datele tale sa fie in maini sigure si toata experienta ta alaturi de LEADERS sa fie una excelenta.

Noi suntem Fundatia LEADERS cu datele de identificare CIF: 13136455, numar de inregistrare in Registrul Fundatiilor: 182F/2001, cu sediul social in Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr.90, apt. 8, Sector 1, Bucuresti.

Website-ul (www.leaders.ro) are scopul de a facilita inregistrarea si managementul aplicatiilor pentru selectia si accesul beneficiarilor in cadrul programelor Fundatiei Leaders si anume Leaders Explore, Leaders Experience si Leaders Challenge sau a unor initiative speciale pe care le desfasuram.

Datele tale colectate vor fi: nume, email, telefon, oras, studii, experienta profesionala si convingeri filozofice.

Aceste date vor fi stocate cu maxima responsabilitate de catre Fundatia Leaders si nu vor fi distribuite catre niciun tert, indiferent care este relatia acestora cu organizatia, fara acordul tau.

În cazul în care optezi pentru opțiunea de înscriere parțială sau completezi formularul parțial, îți vom trimite de la una pâna la 5 alerte de reminder pentru înscrierea în programul LEADERS pentru care optezi. Alertele de reminder vor consta în mesaje de tip SMS sau email.

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Prin inscrierea la un program al Fundatiei Leaders poti opta separat si pentru crearea unui cont de utilizator prin intermediul caruia sa iti editezi aplicatiile si sa ai acces la stadiul acestora (admis/ respins). Contul de utilizator va stoca informatii cu privire la nume, prenume, email, telefon, studii si oras. Tot printr-o bifa separata in formular poti opta pentru a te inregistra la Newsletterul Fundatiei Leaders. Inregistrarea la Newsletter este un proces cu dubla confirmare din partea beneficiarului, iar ulterior te poti dezabona oricand folosind link-ul prezent in toate e-mail-urile trimise catre tine de Fundatia Leaders sau trimitand un e-mail la adresa [email protected] cu subiectul Vreau sa sa dezabonez.

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